
WHY IS SETTING GOALS IMPORTANT? Setting goals keeps us moving forward in both our individual work and personal lives. The significance of goal setting and the knowledge around implementing manageable goals is imperative to achieving your desired lifestyle. Any planning you do for the future can be considered a goal. It may be that you’re looking to get a promotion, land your first job, exercise or read more – no matter what it is, developing a course of action will be a deciding factor in your success or failure. With proper goal-setting, you will boost your chance of achieving your goals, big and small. Let’s take a look at your personal life. In which ways do you want to improve? MAKING GOALS ABOUT YOUR IDEAL LIFE, NOT JUST PRODUCTIVITY. The initial step in setting personal goals is to analyze your current lifestyle and consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime. Setting lifetime goals provides an overarching perspective that molds the other aspects of your decision making. Here is a high-level overview of the goal setting process: Writing down a “big picture” of what you want to do or achieve in your life, in ten year intervals. Pinpointing your ideal life in terms of high-level, larger than life. Breaking those down into smaller targets to support those larger goals. Organizing your plan and working toward achieving those goals. When setting lifetime goals, you should start big and then drill down to the things that you can do within any timeline, whether 30 years down the road, or one month. Your ideal life is obtainable if you set intelligent and manageable goals. A good place to start is to consider the areas of your life you are seeking to improve. When setting a goal, which area of your life is most important to you? Consider the following categories and brainstorm on some of these questions: KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK WHILE GOAL SETTING: Career: What do you want to achieve in your career? Are you looking for your first job or interview? Are you searching to move up the ladder at your current employer? Perhaps you value your freedom more than work and want to find a job that allows for better work-life balance. From 401k plans to health insurance benefits and more, there are plenty of goals to work towards in this category. Financial: What level salary or rate of financial growth do you want to earn and by when? Are you a saver or a spender? Do you support a family and is that something you’re working toward supporting? This category is heavily tied to your career goals, if money is important to you. Family: Are you a parent or single? Do you value long-term relationships and have the capacity for a significant other? Setting goals within this category will help with your overall esteem and happiness for you and those people that are important to you. Physical: Do you want to lose weight, or just get in better shape overall? Do you like sports and are you competitive? Educational: Are you searching for an ivy-league education, or are you more interested in an economically-efficient trade school? Are you searching to advance a career by going back to school for a second degree? Emotional: Is there any part of your mindset that’s holding you back from being your best self? How does that affect you and your ability to stick to a plan and solve problems? Reflecting on your personality and characteristics will let you identify potential pitfalls in your quest to improve your productivity. Pleasureable: How do you want to enjoy yourself? Will it require money, such as a vacation or an expensive hobby? Or, do you prefer a modest, quiet weekend lounging at home? You should never forget the value of proper relaxation to maintain your life’s balance. Public service: In which ways can you give back to the community? More information on our website — http://goalpyramid.com . How can you inject your version of change into the world to improve your life and the lives of others? Many good things can come from this category such as improved self-esteem, work experience and a better sense of purpose.


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